An exciting addition to Banks

We are so very excited this week to have our brand new multi-touch interactive board up and running.

This morning we used it for numeracy games (available on our own class blog in the learning activities tab!).

We look forward to applying it to a range of lesson activities to enrich our learning experiences!



Term 3 Memories

The last few weeks of term 3 went by so quickly! Luckily we captured many memorable moments…

Basketball skills

Basketball skills

GALA Day - Netball

GALA Day – Netball

Our skills are improving

Our skills are improving

Enjoying sport

Enjoying sport

Engaged in a maths challenge!

Engaged in a maths challenge!

Book Week celebrations

Book Week celebrations

Getting ready for the parade

Getting ready for the parade

So many amazing costumes

So many amazing costumes

Healthy eating - fruit smoothies

Healthy eating – fruit smoothies

Our smoothies were delicious!

Our smoothies were delicious!


A Snapshot of Reading Groups

Several times a week, we have reading groups. We rotate through a variety of literacy activities to develop our writing, spelling, speaking, reading and comprehension.

Have a look at us engaged in learning experiences below…

Literacy activities in small groups

Literacy activities in small groups

Spelling and writing tasks

Spelling and writing tasks

Creative writing

Creative writing

Using technology to collaborate and learn

Using technology to collaborate and learn

Building reading stamina

Building reading stamina

Independent reading

Independent reading

Term 3 Week 5 – A Recap

We are finding Geography to be a fascinating subject. This term (and this week) we have been learning about environments and climates around the world and within Australia. We are also exploring why environments are significant, what threats they experience and how they can be or are protected.

Learning about climate zones

Learning about climate zones

Climate zones in Australia

Climate zones in Australia

Learning about Australian environments

Learning about Australian environments

Playing fruit salad with maths questions

Playing fruit salad with maths questions


Our Assembly Performance

We recited a funny poem called The Creature In The Classroom (by Jack Prelutsky). The video is coming soon!

It is a humorous poem about a monster/creature that enters a classroom and eats all the classroom resources. The teacher yells at the creature until the creature eats the teacher at the end!



We hope you enjoyed the performance!

Term 3 Week 3 – A Recap

This week we celebrated Education Week, including open classrooms, where Banks were very fortunate to be visited by family members to discuss their learning.

Have a look at our week…

Learning about weather

Learning about weather

Working in small groups

Working in small groups

Completing a visible thinking routine

Completing a visible thinking routine

Being read a lovely story by Mrs M - thank you!

Being read a lovely story by Mrs M – thank you!

Combining maths and art

Combining maths and art

What can we make with a square?

What can we make with a square?

Mrs S reading 'The Perfect Square'

Mrs S reading ‘The Perfect Square’

Using our imagination to create something out of a square

Using our imagination to create something out of a square

One of our crafty creations

One of our crafty creations

We enjoyed integrating art with maths

We enjoyed integrating literacy with art and maths


Term 3 Week 2 – A Recap

What a fabulous start to the term! Look at our exciting photos below and read on to find out about our week…

In week 3 we had our athletics carnival. We ran many races, including 800m, 400m, 100m and relays. It was great for our fitness, sporting skills and teamwork.

Maths groups lessons have also been very enjoyable, especially with learning about standard and non-standard partitioning. We have been learning to break numbers according to their place value (and in other flexible ways) to help us build and understand numbers.

Our art lesson was a special one this week because it was all about celebrating our unique and positive qualities. Inside each handprint is a student name and great qualities that they chose to write to describe themselves. They are on display outside our room – come and have a look!

Question: What have you enjoyed learning about in term 3 so far?

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Our Positive Qualities

Term 3 has started with an important celebration – acknowledging the positive qualities of both ourselves and our friends!

Banks sat in a circle and each person received a piece of paper. We wrote our name at the top and discussed what makes someone special, valued or important to us.

Mrs R then asked everyone in the circle to pass their paper to the person to their left, in order to receive someone else’s piece of paper. We had to read the person’s name and then write something positive about them.

We kept rotating until we ended up back with our own paper, which was filled with lovely compliments!

We enjoyed reflecting on and celebrating the positive attributes of everyone in class Banks.
